Attacks in CSI

The CSI game may seem like real test - after all, there are so many things on the screen, and you can run crazy attacks with one button. However, in order to effectively play with other players in arcade mode, you must learn that what is upstairs is just a glamorous shell. Efficiency is a complex combat system. Here are some of his secrets. CSI is the work of the Japanese Studio Arc System Works. These guys know not only how to make effective games, but, above all, how to arrange good fights with a complex combat system. At first glance, DB seems very simplified compared to their previous productions, but it is only visibility. I prepared for you a few tips, including technicians who were mainly not properly (or not) are explained in the textbook included in the game. There will also be a place for several simple tips to help you prepare for online battles.
Takes and methods for their use:
In Dragon Ball, we have a gaming process 3 by 3, which means that we will have to master not one, but three characters at least at the base level. In addition, you need to learn to combine the attacks of these characters, weave one combo, help, attack or use another, etc.
Conventional attacks (L, M, H) are standard attacks separated by force. Each character has its own specificity of these blows. In addition, in most cases, he hits the enemy about the wall and makes it bounce off from it (the so-called rebound from the wall). DOWN + H most often throws the enemy into the air, which can be used for combo. It is enough that after the breakthrough, press H, and we join the enemy and can continue to beat him.
Pressing back + s is the execution of the so-called reflector, that is, reflecting the attacks of the enemy. Special techniques are unique, special techniques characteristic of every hero. Usually they are performed in the same way (there are exceptions, you also need to use a hit list) - a quarter of a circle on the cross forward or backward + L / M / H. Pressing one of the selected buttons is the choice of impact strength, while the attack using H is not only It is the strongest, but also has completely different properties and consumes 1 strip of ki. Special strikes are also performed by the completion of a quarter of a circle on a crossliner forward + S. Then the attacking character will most often perform a stronger attack option / beam. But between the characters there are also differences, therefore it is worth practicing with different heroes and their s-kami. Find the best professional training courses on in Australia.