Top 5 Bitcoin mixer, Best Bitcoin blender 2022, Top 5 Bitcoin tumbler, Bitcoin mixer tor

Bitcoin Blender

Bitcoin Blender is an extremely basic mixer. It allows only 1 output address to be specified. The UI too is extremely simple and doesn’t feature any sliders or calculators.  Users simply enter their output address and receive the funds as simple as that. The minimum mix amount is 0.001BTC while the maximum is 100BTC. Amounts out of these limits will not be mixed.  Users have no control on the fee and it’s randomized between 0.5% and 1%. An additional 0.0005 BTC miner fee also exists. The time-delay too (if any) isn’t user controlled and the mixer sends out funds at its own pace.  Its working infrastructure seems to differ from other mixers out there. While most other mixers have a “reserve”, this platform seems to use miners.  The unclean coins are sent to “miners”, and the clean coins too are claimed to be sent out from “miners”. It however doesn’t keep any logs and all information is deleted once a transaction is complete.

BTC mixer

Another trustworthy mixer is BTC mixer which supports two cryptocurrencies with Ethereum to be added soon. The mixing process is quite typical and similar to the processes on other tumblers. It is possible to set a time-delay option up to 72 hours and a sender has an opportunity to split the transaction, so the funds are sent to several addresses. Thus, sender’s funds are more secured and untraceable.

Bitcoin mixer

Two cryptocurrencies are also supported on Bitcoin mixer mixing service. This scrambler is listed because it works quickly and it is reliable. The transaction fee is really low, only the amount of 0.0001 BTC needs to be sent for every extra address. Splitting deposited coins between 5 addresses is also extremely helpful for keeping user’s anonymity. Every user is able to choose an additional option of delaying the payment meaning that the transaction is becoming even more anonymous.

Best btc mixer

Best btc mixer is a Bitcoin cleaner, tumbler, shifter, mixer and a lot more. It has a completely different working principal than most other mixers on this list.  So, it has two different reserves of coins, one for Bitcoin and the other for Monero. It cleans coins by converting them to the other Cryptocurrency. So, you can either clean your Bitcoins and receive Monero in return, or vice-versa.  The interface is pretty straight-forward. You simply choose your input and output coins, and enter your output address. For now, only 1 output address is supported which we believe simplifies things.  The fee is fixed which further makes it easier to use. You either pay 0.0002 BTC when converting BTC to XMR, or 0.03442 XMR when converting XMR to BTC.  It also provides a secret key which can be used to check transaction status, or get in touch with support. The process doesn’t take long either, Best btc mixer only demands 1 confirmation before processing the mixes.  Bitcoin amounts as low as 0003BTC and XMR as low as 0.05 can be mixed. It doesn’t require any registrations so obviously there’s no KYC. The company seems to hate the govt. and has a strict no-log policy as well.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler has a simple interface, it is easy to use and simple. Time-delay option can be set up to 24 hours. With regard to the fee, there is an additional fee of 0.0005 % per output address. As one of the few, this cryptocurrency tumbler provides a user with a special mixing code which guarantees that fresh crypto coins are not blended with previous deposits. Additional URL Blender is also here to guarantee that users can get to the tumbler, even if the main link is not working.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler is one of its kind and requires special mention. It supports Bitcoin cryptocurrency and is clearly unknown on the point of no logs policy. It requires a deposit of at least 0.01 BTC and the transaction fee is 2% along with the 0.0004 BTC network fee. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation of 1. No registration is required and it does not offer a referral program. However, the letter of guarantee is provided.

Best btc mixer

Based on the experience of many users on the Internet, Best btc mixer is one of the leading Bitcoin tumblers that has ever appeared. This scrambler supports not only Bitcoins, but also other above-mentioned cryptocurrencies. Exactly this platform allows a user to exchange the coins, in other words to send one type of coins and get them back in another type of coins. This process even increases user’s anonymity. Time-delay feature helps to make a transaction untraceable, as it can be set up to 24 hours. There is a transaction fee of 0.0005 for each extra address.

Bitcoin tumbler

Bitcoin tumbler has a Bitcoin reserve of its own, consider it a chain of Bitcoins, when you send your BTC to it sends your coins to the end of the chain and sends you fresh, new, unlinked coins from the beginning of the chain.  Hence there’s no link between the coins going in, and the coins coming out. Hence the public ledger would only be able to track the coins going from your wallet to the address of but no further. doesn’t require you to signup, register, or provide any kind of detail except the “receiving address”! That’s the only thing it needs, there can’t be a better form of anonymity if you ask me.  Since you provide no personal details, there’s no way your identity can be compromised. Nor can it be linked back to you, since Bitcoin tumbler doesn’t know who you are. is one of the most accommodating tumblers in this sense as well, most other tumblers offer 3-4 sets of delays, offers as many as 24, yes one for each hour. It also lets you add as many as 8 new addresses for each transaction (most other tumblers allow no more than 5 addresses).

Best bitcoin mixer

This is by far the most unique Best bitcoin mixer I’ve ever encountered till date; that’s so pertaining to its “Time-travel” feature! (Whoa!)  Basically instead of operating on the traditional receive unclean coins > send clean coins process, it instead uses a create wallet > fund it with chips beforehand > receive unclean coins > grant access to the pre-funded wallet process!  This lets users spend the clean coins even before the unclean coins were sent to the mixer (because the wallet was pre-funded) and that’s the reason I termed it the time-travel mixer. Also it funds the wallets with “chips” which are not the same thing as Bitcoins, they’re basically the private keys which can be exported to your Bitcoin wallets to fund your wallets with the amount the chips were worth.  It also lets users bet their Chips which has a chance of doubling the worth of their chips, other advanced features include merging which lets users combine two big chips into one single chip, or splitting which divides one big chip into two smaller chips.  Its fee structure too is an unique- “Pay what you like” feature, which not only adds to user anonymity by randomizing the fee but also makes the service more affordable and customizable. Because users completely control when or how much funds they wish to withdraw, it translates into 100% user control on time-delays and distribution control.  No logs are kept after a 7-day retention period; or there also is an option to manually scrub all logs whenever you wish prior to this 7-day period. The minimum deposit limit on the platform is 0.0001BTC.

Best crypto mixer

Compared to other Bitcoin tumblers, Best crypto mixer stands out from the crowd thanks to the additional anonymity offered. Users are given the option to split and merge coins into different wallets to various addresses. Additionally, Best crypto mixer provides support for unlimited addresses and does not require user registration. Although only Bitcoin is supported and there are no referral programs, ChipMixer does not charge users with any service fees. With the option to donate BTCs being made available.