Dance pop

Due to the fact that the California style of pop (or papping) is based on the rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles, training in this direction is very well worked out by all their groups: muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen, back, as well as shoulder. This is the main difference and the main advantage of the dance: five minutes of high -quality papping is equated with hourly classes in the gym.

It is quite difficult to master the papping technique from scratch is difficult to achieve simultaneous sharp “trembling”, impulses in different parts of the human body, but for a person who wants to achieve a result, nothing is impossible. It is unlikely that you can learn this dance from the video, i.e., just looking at what is happening from the side; It is easier to master the Popping technique and its main element - dads (a sharp contraction of certain muscle groups), along with a coach who will tell and clearly show what's what. The style is very good in that it intensively works out all muscle groups, developing them and strengthening.

At the same time, the pop dance itself is very energy -consuming: frequent muscle contractions are continuously performed to the music, alternating with various postures, and regular training leads to accelerating the metabolism in the body of the dancer. Therefore, pop -up is the best option for those who strive to significantly lose weight or just a little to correct the forms. The only thing that needs to be controlled during training is their intensity; The individual capabilities of your own body should be taken into account, so as not to overdo it and not harm yourself.

Another advantage of this style will be its positive influence not only on forms, but also on the mood of the dancer. And the whole point is that during training endorphins begin to be actively produced, i.e., “hormones of happiness”, which increase the mood of a person. It is believed that this style is characteristic mainly for the stronger sex, but, nevertheless, representatives of the charming half of the population take the Popping lessons. Do not be afraid, - Popping classes will not make your figure or behavior masculine.

The style is a good way to quickly and efficiently work out all groups of body muscles in order to adjust forms - of course, provided that competent training that an experienced dancer or coach can provide. At the same time, the popping style develops body plasticity, which will not be superfluous for the fair sex. A lot of indices awailable for trading with following companies