Tips for the passage of DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED - Main tasks # 095

Get to refuge to Richard

If you decide to learn the truth on your own, do not leave asylum as a cult and remember that you cannot use weapons or improvements there. So, you rely only on the natural abilities of Adam.

The staircase for which you will set. Beware of turgles there

If you have the 5th level of hacker skill or Omnibus, see right after conversation with Richard. You will see the staircase leading upstairs. Use it, but be careful not to get into the tower hanging under the ceiling. Be careful, because from now on you will find yourself in a closed zone and can be attacked by protection systems.

To the right of the staircase corridor. You can wait for a suitable moment and when the turret will turn left, approach it. At the end you will find the door with the level of security 5 (if you do not have such hacking skills, you can also open it with the help of Omnika).

Platform for which adam can jump

If you can not open the door or want to use another way, then after conversation with Richard, do not climb the stairs and do not jump on the elevation on the left. Then go under the gun to the left and wait until it turns to the right.

Jump over the chest on the left and head to the door in front of you - if the gun will notice you, hide behind the chest on the right. The door is Richard's door, and the terminal has a security level 2. The problem is that you may have problems with hacking before the gun will notice you. However, you can stand at the door, wait until the turret will shoot and move away from the fire line. The bullets should get into the door - several such series and the path to Richard's room will be opened.

Get rid of Richard and turn off the whole system

Regardless of the selected path, after stunning or killing Richard, use the switch by which you turn off the entire system. If you have the ability to control the turret, you can also turn off the turret in the sewage using a laptop.

Liborio Business Settlement

If you do not want or can not use the first option, you have a slightly longer way to solve the whole question. After you see Richard, go back a little back and jump on the elevation on the left (the same thing that was in the first version).

To the left of the plot there are several boxes, and behind them - a rolled poster on the bags. Raise it and look at, and you will see information about the speech of Richard and Liborio (the second poster can be found on the yellow mechanism in the niche on the right on the first floor). After viewing the poster, exit sects and sewage. Best online casino apps on your phone, join and choose your fav.