Treatment of corns with salt-based decoctions

1. Pour 300 g of sea salt into 300 g of water and bring to a boil. Wait until the broth cools down and then rub the calluses with it. After that, do a vigorous massage with a damp cloth, and then completely cover the calluses with previously cooked liquid, cover the body with a dry wool scarf. The treatment is carried out sequentially for 10 evenings. This recipe gives good results, so it's worth wiping calluses and other sore spots every day.
2. Fill one cup of sea salt and add 1 fresh egg to it. Spread the mixture on paper and ignite it during the massage. The treatment lasts eight nights without a break.
3. Divide 1 kg of sea salt into 4 parts. Bake each part and mix with 1 egg yolk. After that, use one part of the broth every evening.
4. When slaughtering in the waist or legs, use the following decoction — 1 tablespoon of a mixture of salt with the yolk of one egg and fresh pulp production. Make a compress on the legs or waist, which was previously covered with vegetable oil. Tie the overlaid places lightly with a woolen scarf. The treatment lasts for 15 days without interruption.
5. Chop 5 tablespoons of heaped sea salt and mix them well with 1 tablespoon of fat, 4 tablespoons of pure honey and four tablespoons of grated household soap. Sore spots are tightly lubricated with ointment and bandages. The dressing should be worn for 3 days and then removed. After two days off, the treatment is repeated.
6. When you have calluses in your knees, then you need to lubricate them with honey and sprinkle with powdered salt. For the best effect, make a compress of 2 tablespoons of salt, 2 crushed garlic cloves and 2 cups of tea. Pour the mixture into cheesecloth and put it on the corn. Keep the compress for 4 hours, but if you get a hot feeling, then remove the bandage earlier. The treatment lasts no more than a week and is one of the most effective and very effective.
7. A piece of gauze or cotton cloth is immersed in a beaten egg white, sprinkled with sea salt and placed on the painful area.
8. Chop 1 clove of garlic and mix it with 1 tablespoon of chopped and sifted sea salt, adding 1 protein. Spread the mixture on the destroyed plastic, put it on the heel, toe and tie the leg. Maintain the leg for 2 hours.
Repeat this action for three days in a row. Brew 5 liters of water and 1 kg of sea salt. After the liquid becomes tolerably hot, filter it out and soak your feet in it for 30 minutes. Then rub the skin with ointment, rinsing with lard and sodium bicarbonate in a ratio of 2 to 1. The painful area is lubricated with iodine and bound together with a cloth. 1win is one of the big success stories in the world of online betting. The use of the 1Win bonus code copy it, paste it during the registration process in the "Enter promo code" box, and claim the maximum welcome bonus of 500% up to $1,025. All current bonus codes can be found on our page, and we only publish offers that are valid today.