Kleptomania (part 1)

Kleptomania is an obsessive-compulsive mental disorder in which the patient is unable to suppress his tendency to appropriate other people's things (theft).

According to psychiatrists who have long recognized kleptomania as a mental disorder, and not just a manifestation of antisocial behavior, compulsive, spontaneous impulses that spur a kleptomaniac to another theft are not controlled by the patient himself. Kleptomania, like other addictions – behavioral (sexual disorders, painful attachment to computer and gambling), chemical (alcohol, nicotine, etc.) – requires the intervention of doctors, qualified treatment.

In most cases, kleptomania manifests itself in the theft of items of little economic value. These can be lighters, stationery, inexpensive jewelry. After the act of theft, there comes a moment of enlightenment when the patient sincerely repents, often throws away the stolen things, but in subsequent attacks is not able to suppress antisocial impulses.

Psychiatrists consider kleptomania as a kind of adrenaline addiction and point out that the impunity of the kleptomaniac (when close people, colleagues or officials do not pay attention to the manifestations of petty theft or treat it condescendingly) only increases the manifestations of this disorder.

This disorder is in the area of interests of both psychology and psychotherapy, as well as psychiatry.

Causes of kleptomania
At risk of kleptomania are people who have suffered previously or are currently suffering from other mental disorders (bulimia, depression, social phobias, anxiety disorders). In addition, the most dangerous age for the manifestation of kleptomania is considered to be under 30 years of age.

Often, kleptomania attacks are preceded by stress or serious failures that the patient experiences. Theft is perceived as a kind of reward for the troubles experienced. In some cases, manifestations of kleptomania are interpreted by the patient as a kind of revenge against more successful people. In the presence of concomitant mental disorders (in particular, schizophrenia), seizures can be triggered by hallucinations.

Since kleptomania was recognized as a mental disorder only in the second half of the twentieth century, an unambiguous list of the causes of this disorder has not yet been formed. The most likely physiological cause of kleptomania, as well as any other forms of uncontrolled behavior, is considered to be a low level of serotonin, which is compensated by increased production of another neurotransmitter, dopamine. Since dopamine is produced against the background of an increase in the level of adrenaline (i.e., at the moments of theft), the patient at the hormonal level has an attachment of theft to pleasure, which cannot be obtained in other ways. fortnite aimbot settings