How to quickly remove swelling

Many notice that in the morning the face looks swollen, and the eyelids are swollen, some of the arms and legs become noticeably thicker. It is far from always the time to stay at home so that excess water is gradually gone, so you should find out how to remove swelling and improve your appearance in a short time, and then go to work in a good mood. There are a number of methods, thanks to which it will be possible to quickly remove swelling: it is recommended to use folk advice; drink a diuretic drug or infusion of herbs; Use ice.

Water and tea. To remove swelling from the face, it is recommended to use cold water. It is advisable to hold it in the freezer, then moisten the linen napkin in it and attach to problem areas for 3-5 minutes. Similarly, ice can be used. When edema is a frequent problem, it is better to freeze the decoction of chamomile. Pieces of ice will help remove swelling under the eyes. They will tone the skin and remove bruises. Green tea will help remove swelling, it is brewed with steep boiling water. After 5 minutes, a napkin is wetted in the product and put on problem areas.

Diuretics. Diuretics will help remove swelling from the hands and legs in a short time. Among the most effective, one can note: “Bometanne”; "Furosemide"; "Amiloride"; "Triamteren." However, do not abuse these drugs, since they have many contraindications and remove potassium from the body. If you want to remove swelling as safely as possible, it is better to drink a decoction of their horsetail, knotweed and birch buds. 5 g of the mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath for 15 minutes. After half an hour, it is filtered and consumed 10 ml after eating three times a day.

Folk methods. Ordinary potatoes will help remove swelling from the face. You need to clean the tuber, grate, slightly squeeze the mass and put it in gauze. After that, it is attached to the problem areas. After 10 minutes, you can remove the mask and evaluate the result. Fresh cucumber helps to remove swelling from the face. It should be cut with wheels or grate. After that, the vegetable is applied to the swollen areas for 7-10 minutes. During this time, swelling will completely leave, and the skin will look rested. Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week.

Massage. You can try to remove swelling from any part of the body with massage. It is recommended to easily tap your fingers around the problem area for 3-5 minutes. Due to such simple actions, the water will gradually leave the cells and the appearance will improve.

Cosmetologists recommend cleaning swelling from the face with a warm spoon and olive oil. It will be necessary to apply the product to the skin and make a light massage of problem areas. Its duration should not exceed 5 minutes. The skin should not be stretched, you need to easily try to smooth it.


- If it is not possible to remove swelling at home, and the problem returns again, you should consult a doctor so that he reveals the cause of this phenomenon and prescribes treatment. Best single girls on from Ukraine for chat and marriage.