This week, I’ll be heading to SXSW in Austin (first time!) with my buddy Jas from Plato Putas to co-chair a session on Food & Technology – How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Way We Eat. This session is a core conversation which means that everyone in the audience is invited to contribute and participate in the discussion.
Should be interesting as there is a lot going on in this space right now – from sites like RealTimeFarms.com that show you the farm from where each menu item at a restaurant was sourced to applications like Ratio that calculate the amount of ingredients you need based on what you have or how much you want to make (genius!).
We welcome people that work in both food, technology, or both or people that are just interested in the intersection of the two. If you are going to be in town please come out or send to friends that are attending and would be interested. Here are the details on our session and you can read more about it in the SXSW schedule:
How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Way We Eat
Tuesday, March 15
Tuesday, March 15
Marriot Courtyard
Rio Grande B
300 East 4th Street
Rio Grande B
300 East 4th Street