Pakoras (Vegetable Fritters)

idli pakoras with idli on the right side

spinach and onion pakoras – look like little space aliens but they were really crunchy and good I swear!

So me and my dad went a bit fry happy. We made a load of pakoras, which can be vegetables or really anything you can think of, deep fried in a chickpea flour batter. My dad wanted to try something different so he cut up and battered some day old idlis (steamed rice/lentil cakes) my mother had made and then fried them. Genius! I made some spinach and onion pakoras. I like these because they always come out crunchy.

Pakoras are usually made for special occassions. I can remember my grandmother making them while wearing her cute little homemade apron (that I now own!); one hand would be holding a slotted spoon and the other would be placing the battered vegetables into the oil. XANNONCE. I would not leave her side by the stove unless it was to skip around the house excited for all of the pakoras I was going to pig out on! While I was waiting she would give me some samples and also let me munch on the leftover little pieces of fried batter. I still love to eat the leftover crunchies. They are kind of the best.



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