Mushroom Curry Quesadilla

This curry is inspired by Maddhur Jaffrey’s mushroom mattar (peas) recipe. Usually mushroom curry is made with peas – any vegetable though can take it’s place – no offense peas! This time I used zucchini. I originally made this curry to just eat with rice, but I had a stack of corn tortillas in my fridge so ended up putting it in a quesadilla and eating it with some spicy tomato pickle. I kept making these, but I think I OD’d on corn tortillas – it’s hard to finish a whole package!


The quesadilla reminded me of a crepe I’d order at Ti Couz in San Francisco. They make crepes out of buckwheat and have this one with cheese and mushroom and mushroom sauce on top – so good!


This is what the curry looks like:



Curry and rice


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One Response to Mushroom Curry Quesadilla

  1. shriya says:

    I am big fan of Quesdilla. I like the way you’ve used mushroom curry for quesdilla. Love it and def gonna try it next time.

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